Photo credit: Moremi Akinde Last month, the world watched as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris became America’s new chief executives. The ritual of Inauguration Day is an American rite of passage. It’s the day we honor those charged by God and country to uphold the...
Gratitude as Radical Self Care

Gratitude as Radical Self Care

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare,” – Audre Lorde, A Burst of Light (1988). (Lorde was a Black lesbian feminist essayist, poet, and activist)  One of my self-preserving acts is...
Birthing Transformation

Birthing Transformation

I have not slept easily much recently. Thoughts of fires, hurricanes, marches, civil unrest, murder, armed citizens, confrontation, and misinformation run through my mind. It’s a struggle to keep positive while surrounded by infuriating, scary and destructive...
Who Do You Want To Be?

Who Do You Want To Be?

Say who you are.Do who you want to be. Those two lines have become my central mantra in 2020. It’s a simple message, but it’s been a guiding force for me in the maelstrom of emotions and challenges that has been this year. When I feel overwhelmed or stuck, I can move...
Gut Feelings

Gut Feelings

We want more bodies to have less pain. The goal of reducing suffering in the bodies of fellow humans is unifying across the nonprofit sector. Whether in food security, environmental restoration, or accessible healthcare, we work for the betterment of bodies. Bodies...
To The Helpers

To The Helpers

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’― Fred RogersWhen we talk about service, certain names and faces come to mind right away. People who will always...