To arrive at our vision of empowered leaders, flourishing nonprofits and vibrant communities, we must acknowledge how systemic racism has led to the disparities we face today. We must understand how racist systems are driving our missions, decisions and impact. And we must be willing to undo them.
NEW invites you to slow down and find alignment within your head and heart before moving to act.
Payton McDonald, Mutal Aid Network of Ypsilanti
“NEW displayed radical candor that was supportive but directly challenged us in necessary ways. Their invitational and educational approach catalyzed our equity work, encouraged us to embrace the vulnerability inherit in a meaningful process, and allowed us to develop tangible action steps; all while cultivating buy-in across the agency.”
Executive Director, Avalon Housing
Anti-racism work takes time
While a fresh diversity statement and a new policy or two might be steps forward, they’re never enough. Focusing on action alone cannot address the conditions created and perpetuated by systemic racism. NEW strives to spark and create space for the conversations that lead to transformation. This requires slowing down, building a foundation of shared understanding, and moving at the speed of trust.
NEW’s approach to anti-racism aims toward “co-liberation.” We recognize that white folks are often led to believe they are engaging to “help” others; yet they too have been harmed by racism and white supremacy. Our work centers the communities of color most negatively impacted by racism while dismantling cultures that reward proximity to whiteness. Our fates are tied to one another—if any of us wants to be free, we must all be free.
Team Coaching
We recommend regular meetings, so that each team member and department has an opportunity to discuss the culture and environment in which they work, and the connections to racism. We can organize our time together around your needs—in person or by phone or video.
Facilitated dialogue
Let’s bring your community together to learn from leaders whose lived and professional experience will inspire and inform your anti-racist journey.
Staff and board Training
How can you meaningfully engage with the communities you serve—especially if your staff and board do not represent their diversity? First you must unpack the structure and context in which you operate.
Potential topics include:
- Understanding implicit bias and changing behavior (internalized racism)
- Increasing our awareness of microaggressions and how to address them (interpersonal racism)
- Connecting lessons on diversity, inclusion and equity to our organization’s policies, procedures and culture (institutionalized racism)
- Examining power, privilege and oppression (systemic racism)
- Making connections between systemic and institutional oppression and our work
Our Rates
NEW’s fees are based on your organization’s size and budget, as well as the scope of our work together. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Joyce Hunter
African-American Cultural and Historical Museum