Jaylen Bradley
For Washtenaw County and every county that I reside in and do work in (Macomb and Wayne counties), I envision a community that is better than what it is currently. I would have to adopt a Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’.s idea of a just society. One that is free of the three evils: racism, economic exploitation, and militarism (i.e., the notion of violence and hatred among community members). Like King, I wholeheartedly believe that there are times when you must take a stand that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but you must do it because it is right. Similar to the late Congressman John Lewis' Good Trouble mantra. Therefore, I envision: (1)A just society where folks can be themselves and be proud to live in each of their social identities and not be afraid of if they fit in with what is the norm/custom, (2)A just society where it is affordable to live and thrive for all people of color and those of low socioeconomic status all reside, (3)A just society where the people's voice and not politics drive policies and procedures, as residents know what their community needs are firsthand, (4)A just society where children can thrive with a quality K-12 and higher education with educators and professionals who are diverse and look like them and that can firsthand relate to them and their culture(s), (5)A just society that leads by example in the areas of law and public policy. For instance, in criminal justice reform enforce proper implicit bias training and the consistent measures of checks and balances with accountability directed to all law enforcement who are there to protect and serve.
Organization: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor