Myron H. Michael

Myron H. Michael

(he/him) Ability to tap into potential energy and transform it to kinetic energy


To invest in and curate/operate a space, both brick and mortar and virtually, wherein humanity is lived, experienced, and shared through language, visual, performance, and literary arts. To create a platform and collaborate with networks where ideas are exchanged that advocate for socio-emotional and physical health and well-being, pedagogy from the diasporas and anti-racist practices, and social justice initiatives and reform. And to participate in commerce both as an entrepreneur and as a supporter of black owned and locally owned businesses. In addition, my vision for Washtenaw County is to see the long-term affect that language and literary arts has on mental and emotional health, cultural and multicultural awareness, and group and self-expression. Placing emphasis on workshops led by, presentations and performances by, readings and exhibitions by, and collaborative endeavors with, artists, activists, and authors of color alongside their white co-liberators.

Organization: Student Advocacy Center of Michigan